Saturday, August 25, 2007

Connecting more and more to Mexico

Cole is very proud of his ability to stand on this water jug. The cap to this one is really big, Mimi!

We knew the kids day at preschool had gone better when we picked Cole up and he was crying because he didn’t want to leave and Lydia, who will hardly ever lets us put her hair back, came out looking like a cute little Mexican girl with it all slicked and pulled back tight. Thanks for praying and keep praying as they go back on Monday after a nice weekend.

Friday when Angela came over, we worked on fliers and the vision of the fall. Punto de Encuentro’s (the point of encounter) first meeting is Tuesday to gather students interested in having a community of followers of Cristo to pray, sharpen each other, and reach out to others with the gospel on campus. Something Angela has noticed with Christians here are that they are the real thing. If they follow Cristo, you can pretty much know that they are walking it out and passionate about serving Him. There isn’t this lukewarm, middle ground like there is in the States. We will hand out 1000 invites on Monday, the first day of school, for the meeting on Tuesday. Please pray for the right students who have or will develop a vision for their campus.

We are getting to know the area better as we go exploring and try new routes. We have a very detailed map of the city that is more like a book that we pull out quite a bit as we’re driving and making wrong turns or missing streets. Cole, being used to us needing to pull it out a lot, sensed our confusion one day as we were exploring and commented, “Did you remember to bring the map? We always need the map!” Steve and I cracked up.

We take long walks around our area too. Part of the fun is the journey and not so much the destination. It has helped us chill a bit and just enjoy what we’re doing instead of what we’re trying to go do. Last night we all had a blast as we ventured out to a beautiful basilica down the way, quite a way.

Cole, especially enjoyed the hundreds of pigeons in front the basilica as he chased them around. Steve eventually couldn’t take it anymore and joined in on one of the runs. Lydia and I watched, took pictures, and sang “Feed the birds” from Mary Poppins.


Anonymous said...

How fun! I'm glad you are taking the time to explore and enjoy your time away. Yes! I knew the kids would conquer the challenge of school- God is faithful! Boy, do I ever miss you! Your blog is fantastic! Love you.

The Ericksons said...

esteve! you look like your having a blast! we are so happy for you!